Artisanal vs. Industrial Wells

Artisanal wells are more prone to contamination from surface water, often resulting in lower water quality.

With a myriad of techniques and methods in the realm of water extraction, understanding the detailed nuances that differentiate artisanal wells from industrial wells can be somewhat challenging. The following analysis aims to provide clarification for those interested in choosing between the two types of wells.

Artisanal Wells

Artisanal wells, sometimes referred to as hand-dug wells, are manually dug using simple tools and traditional techniques to reach the water table. These wells, typically 1-2 meters in diameter, provide potable water to countless communities. They are most common in rural and remote areas.

Industrial Wells

Alternatively, the term industrial well is used to reference high-capacity wells drilled using advanced machinery and technology. Capable of supplying water for large-scale use in industrial, agricultural, and municipal operations, industrial wells are much deeper and larger than their artisanal counterparts.

Comparing Artisanal and Industrial Wells

Water Quality

Artisanal wells are more prone to contamination from surface water, often resulting in lower water quality. On the other hand, industrial wells typically access deeper water layers, which are less susceptible to contamination and consistently provide cleaner water.


Industrial wells have the capacity to produce larger quantities of water, essential to meet the demands of industrial usage. Artisanal wells have a much lower capacity in comparison and are best for smaller uses like in homes and communities.


Artisanal wells usually have lower impact on aquifers as they extract less water. But, they might not be a reliable source in areas of low water table. However, depending on construction and use, industrial wells can sometimes over-extract water. This results in unusually fast depletion of groundwater resources.

Maintenance and Investment

Artisanal wells are less complex, requiring lower expertise for maintenance and are cheaper to construct. On the other hand, industrial wells demand specialized technical knowledge for maintenance and are more expensive to establish and operate.

Both artisanal and industrial wells serve critical roles in water supply, but it’s important to weigh factors like intended use, environmental impact, and long-term sustainability. Contact a reputable well company to begin assessing these factors and ensure an ideal balance between capacity, cost, and conservation in water extraction methods.

Pump Repair Services provides residential and commercial pump repair services for water well pumps, water feature pumps, transfer pumps, industrial irrigation pumps, and more, as well as custom water filtration services in the Orlando area. (Sorry, no pool pumps or sewer pumps.) We offer 24-hour emergency service. Call us at (407) 625-5499.


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