Easy Well Pump Maintenance Tips

More than 15 million homes across the USA use private water wells for drinking water access.

More than 15 million homes across the USA use private water wells for drinking water access. Unfortunately, given the busy schedule of the modern-day homeowner, it’s common for residents to forget to keep their well pump in good order. 

However, doing so is crucial so that the rest of the system can function correctly. To help out, here are five tips on well pump maintenance. 

Clean the cooling fan 

Cleaning the cooling fans on the well pump motor helps prevent overheating. If left untreated, overheating can cause severe issues beyond repair to the pump. 

To ensure the cooling fan functions properly, clean out the debris like cobwebs, dry leaves, and similar materials. 

Rely on anti-corrosion products 

Corrosion is among the most dangerous well pump damage. A malfunction caused by it can drastically affect the pump’s operation. 

Anti-corrosion cleaning products are affordable and help keep the well pump in optimal condition. 

Look for drips 

A well-functioning well pump doesn’t drip. There should be no drips on other elements of the water pump system as well. Should homeowners notice leaking in any amount, it may indicate an issue. 

Most of the time, the problem can be solved by tightening the element in question. Sometimes, however, it’s necessary to replace the worn parts. 

Professional well pump technicians can diagnose any dripping issue and recommend the best solution for the problem. 

Perform a personal check 

Homeowners can check their well pump independently whenever an event may compromise the work of the pump. This can be after a storm, earthquake, or other potentially damaging events. 

After such occurrences, it’s crucial to check the pump for damage. Look for indents or cracks, and contact professionals if these signs are visible. 

Sometimes, damage doesn’t show on the outside. So if a homeowner or any family member saw the pump get struck by a branch during the storm, it’s still crucial for the professional to check it out. 

Perform regular well pump service

A well pump should be serviced once every three or four years. Then, experts can thoroughly inspect the pump’s condition to ensure optimal functioning. 

Most reliable pumps have robust systems with more than ten years of lifespan. However, it’s necessary to maintain and care for the pump to reach this age. 

To save money on early well pump replacement, homeowners can invest in regular maintenance services for their well system. 

Learning how to care for well pumps

Maintaining well pumps isn’t difficult. With proper cleaning, using the right products, and regular service, any well pump can operate to its fullest potential throughout its lifespan. 

Homeowners concerned about the condition of their pump or those who want to service their water system should hire reliable well pump service providers for added peace of mind.

Pump Repair Services provides residential and commercial pump repair services for all types of pumps and custom water filtration services in the Orlando area. We offer 24-hour emergency service. Call us at (407) 625-5499.


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